Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Emiliano Salinas Biografía

Emiliano Salinas es empresario, entrenador de potencial humano y activista social. Habiendo nacido en una familia política – es el hijo mayor del Presidente Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994) – Emiliano desarrolló una mente estratégica que ha ayudado a guiar sus múltiples iniciativas. Aprendió a temprana edad que el esfuerzo es la clave del crecimiento personal, y tomó siempre sus estudios con seriedad, enfocándose en adquirir los conocimientos y atributos que le permitieran servir mejor a su país. Tiene una licenciatura en Economía del ITAM, de donde se graduó con mención honorífica, y una maestría y doctorado en economía, ambos de la universidad de Harvard.
Emiliano Salinas
Emiliano Salinas

Tras terminar sus estudios Emiliano optó por una carrera empresarial y no política, creando un fondo de capital privado, Prorsus Capital SAPI, en el 2006, con operaciones en México y Estados Unidos. Como vicepresidente de Prorsus Capital Emiliano es responsable de la estrategia de negocios y las decisiones financieras del fondo y sus empresas.
Desde el 2009 Emiliano es miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo de NXIVM Corporation, la compañía de potencial humano que ha revolucionado dicha industria, y de la que es miembro desde el 2002. Hoy día tiene a su cargo el desarrollo de su fuerza de ventas e implementación de principios éticos en la compañía. Emiliano es uno de sus entrenadores más experimentados y dueño de varios de sus centros en México y los Estados Unidos, expresando así su pasión por aprender y expandir sus capacidades. En dichos centros Emiliano entrena empresarios, políticos, atletas y artistas en el modelo de Cuestionamiento Racional®, ayudándolos a convertirse en una verdadera expresión de pasión, integridad, ética y humanitarismo.
Emiliano es también un organizador cívico. Es miembro fundador del Movimiento Inlak’ech por la Paz, una iniciativa ciudadana creada en el 2008 para coadyuvar a la creación de un México libre de violencia. Sus controversiales conferencias de TEDx: “Se Buscan Gandhis: Una Respuesta Cívica a la Violencia” y “Ya es Hora!” han sido vistas por más de un millón de personas en y youtube. Emiliano ha escogido servir a su país de la forma más significativa para él: desarrollando empresas éticas, promoviendo el potencial humano, y ejemplificando el liderazgo humanitario.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Emiliano Salinas Biography

An Introduction to Emiliano Salinas

  • Emiliano Salinas (legally named Carlos Emiliano Salinas Occelli) is a Mexican businessman, venture capitalist and anti-violence and anti-corruption activist.
  • His father is Carlos Salinas de Gortari, the former President of Mexico.
  • Salinas is currently the Vice President of Prorsus Capital, a venture capital firm.
  • He was born in 1976.


  • Salinas went to school in various countries: Mexico, France, Switzerland and the United States.
  • He is fluent in English, French and Spanish.
  • He received his bachelor’s degree in Economics from ITAM (Autonomous Technology Institute of Mexico).
  • After undergraduate school and a little work experience, he went on to earn his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.

Career and civic activity

  • Before Salinas received his Ph.D. from Harvard, he was a financial analyst at Lazard Freres and Co. LLC, an investment bank located in New York.
  • He worked mergers and acquisitions involving Telefónica de España, Anheuser-Busch InBev, and Revlon (among other mergers and acquisitions).
  • In addition to his career, Salinas is the general coordinator of the Movimiento IN LAK’ ECH por la Paz, A.C. (IN LAK’ ECH Peace Movement) in Mexico, which is a “civil initiative seeking to restore peace in Mexico by strengthening its society to transform violence with compassion.”

Political ambitions

  • In March 2011, Denisse Maerker of the Punto de Partida Mexican TV show asked Emiliano if he was interested in running for political office to start a political career.
  • Salinas responded that he would run for office “if I considered that government is the solution to the problems we face today.
  • He also told Maerker that he is convinced that strong citizenship is a better solution to social problems than government-run programs.

How Salinas plans to achieve his goal of reducing violence and corruption in Mexico

  • Aside from his professional career, Salinas acts as a powerful voice against violence and corruption in Mexico.
  • He has suggested that the "culture of self-victimization" is to blame for country's current plight.
  • Salinas believes that if the Mexican people acted proactively through civil resistance, they would have the power to overthrow the "regional subjugation of the large drug cartels."
  • He describes solutions to these problems through four levels of response against violence: (1) denial and apathy, (2) fear, (3) courage, and (4) non-violent action.

What Salinas believes in terms of non-violent action

  • Salinas believes that the people of Mexico are in denial about the state of the country, and describes this denial as the first level of response against violence.
  • Although Salinas mentions rage as an important step in combating violence, he is a practitioner of non-violent resistance.
  • He believes that the Mexican people should channel their rage into activism.
  • Salinas references the kidnapping of Eric LeBaron to illustrate the power of Mexican civil response, and with it a challenge to the political voices that have the power to begin recognizing social problems and coming up with solutions.

Famous speeches and appearances

  • In 2011, Salinas participated in the TEDxSanMigueldeAllende conference as a speaker. He discussed issues such as the current climate of violence in Mexico and how Mexican society responds to it.
  • During the talk, Salinas called on regular citizens to move on from denial and fear to peaceful, community-based action.
  • Emiliano Salinas' talk was the first talk posted on that was delivered in a language other than English (he gave the talk in Spanish and it is shown on Youtube with English subtitles).

How Emiliano Salinas is involved with Executive Success Programs

  • Salinas learned from a young age that hard work and dedication are critical to self-development. When he was a teenager, he took his studies seriously.
  • Salinas has been a member of the executive board of Executive Success Programs (ESP) since 2009.
  • He also serves as the Vice President of Ethics.
  • ESP’s mission is to “help transform and, ultimately, be an expression of a noble human civilization.” ESP provides people with personal and professional development programs to help them attain their full potential.

His role within ESP

  • Salinas helps ESP by leading its sales force. He serves as head trainer and field trainer where he trains new salespeople.
  • He is a trained facilitator of ESP’s patented technology, "Rational Inquiry".
  • He is an owner of ESP offices in Los Angeles and Guadalajara.
  • He directly trains many successful people, including business entrepreneurs, politicians, athletes and actors.

Emiliano Salinas and popular culture

  • Salinas has been involved as producer of acclaimed theater productions, such as the movie Sicario.
  • He has also worked with authors in literary productions, such as a book on addiction written by Luis Eugenio Todd.
  • An essay on corruption co-authored by Salinas, entitled “The Organization of Corruption: Political Horizons and Special Interests”, won the First Prize of the 2006 Research Competition on Corruption organized by Mexico’s Office of the Comptroller (SFP) and National Autonomous University of Mexico.